With the rout of Taliban forces and prospects of a broad-based government shortly taking power in Afghanistan, India and Russia have intensified their dialogue on post-Taliban dispensation and advancing the global struggle against terrorism beyond the borders of this country. Indian ambassador in Moscow Krishna Raghunath held key consultations with Russia's first deputy foreign minister Vyacheslav Trubnikov and deputy foreign minister Georgy Mamedov on Afghan track', Russian foreign office in Moscow said. Trubnikov looks after anti-terrorism combat and Afghanistan in the ministry, while Mamedov is Moscow's pointman in relations with the US. It said that anti-terror campaign by the international coalition, post-Taliban dispensation in Afghanistan, global security and strategic security were discussed at the meetings in the light of recent Indo-Russian summit between Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Vladimir Putin. India and Russia have 'identical' views on post-Taliban dispensation in Kabul and the need to liquidate terrorist infra-structure of Taliban and Al Qaida in other countries as part of the global combat against terrorism, Indian diplomatic sources said after the consultations. Bureau Report