Israeli Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer met with US peace envoy Anthony Zinni after suicide bombers went on a deadly rampage in Israel. Ben Eliezer on Sunday evening told Zinni the murderous anti-Israeli attacks perpetrated during the (US) mediation mission are the direct result of the Palestinian authority and its leader's evident refusal to put an end to the violence and terrorism, according to a statement from his office. Eliezer told Zinni that Israel would judge Arafat by his actions, after Arafat's Sunday's declaration of a state of emergency in the Palestinian territories in order to crack down on militants. He vowed to Zinni that Israel can in no way accept the present situation and will impose any measures necessary to ensure its security Zinni, a former Marine Corps General, arrived in the region last Monday in an effort to end 14 months of Israeli-Palestinian violence.
His arrival has seen a wave of Palestinian suicide bomings, including at least 25 Israelis killed and more than 210 injured since Saturday. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Defence Minister Dalia Rabin Philosof and security officials. Bureau Report