Lucknow, Aug 24: In a significant development late last night, four top BJP leaders in Uttar Pradesh met Governor Vishnu Kant Shastri amidst speculation over growing strains in relationship between the ruling partners BSP and BJP and an unscheduled cabinet meeting convened by Chief Minister Mayawati tomorrow. State BJP president Vinay Katiyar, BJP Legislature Party leader Lalji Tandon, senior minister Om Prakash Singh and party MP Kalraj Mishra called on the governor around 11.30 pm but party leaders were in no mood to disclose what they discussed.

The meeting comes amidst growing strains between the two parties specially after BJP turned down Mayawati's demand for dismissal of Union Culture Minister Jagmoham over the Taj corridor controversy and the Supreme Court directive to interrogate four to five important officials involved in it. Significantly the cabinet meeting, which is usually held on Wednesdays or Thursdays, has been called just an hour before the BSP's All India Workers Convention.

There is speculation that the top BJP leaders met the Governor to "pre-empt" any "adventurous" action on the part of the Chief Minister. Mayawati last night had a meeting with party supremo Kanshi Ram on the prevailing political situation in the state.

Bureau Report