Mumbai, Feb 06: Soft rock star and lover of aloo gobi , Bryan Adams says the first images that come to his mind when India is mentioned are the country's elephants and the large number of vegetarians. "I like paneer, tandoori vegetables , aloo gobi and many other dishes. I'm a vegetarian, I hope to relish some great Indian dishes on my visit and, if time permits, even visit many Indian restaurants. I do have Indian friends in Britain and, yes, I also visit a lot of Indian restaurants," the singer said. The Canadian singer, who is performing in New Delhi on Saturday and Bangalore on Sunday, is no stranger to India, having visited it earlier in 1994 and 2001.
"I think the first thing that comes to my mind is the Indian elephant. Besides that, I think of the large population of vegetarians that India has," Bryan Adams had said when he was here last time in 2001.
The winner of 10 Grammy awards is also interested in Indian spirituality.
On his last visit, he was photographed wearing a garland of tulsi , or basil, leaves, and standing alongside a popular astrologer in the garden city of Bangalore. He was quoted as saying that he wanted to bathe in the Hindu holy river, Ganges.
Bureau Report