Colombo, Nov 29: The Sri Lankan government today rejected a power-sharing offer made by its President in a bid to end their bitter stand-off that has undermined the fragile peace process. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's party said a document leaked from President Chandrika Kumaratunga's office yesterday purporting to contain her formula to end the political impasse was a violation of the confidentiality of a panel appointed last week to work out a cohabitation arrangement.
Sources close to the prime minister said he was not aware of Kumaratunga's offer contained in a seven-page document setting out re-demarcation of defence responsibility and transferring some of the powers to a "minister assisting defence."
The President had asked the premier to name a minister of his choice to take over defence functions that directly impact on the Norwegian-backed peace process.
The move was seen as Kumaratunga agreeing to virtually hand back the Defence Ministry in all but name to the government of Wickremesinghe, though it would be linked to a "peace advisory committee."
Bureau Report