Jakarta, Nov 17: A pipeline leak has halted natural gas exports to Singapore from Indonesia's offshore Natuna field, an official said today. "The leak was detected Friday and we have consequently halted our gas supply to Singapore through the pipe pending repairs," said Harianto, spokesman for BP Migas, the Indonesian body which oversees upstream activities.
Haryanto said divers have found the leak, some 100 kilometres northwest of Matak island.
"We hope to resume the gas supply as soon as possible, after repairs are made," he said, adding the supply to Singapore was not totally cut off.
"There is still some gas in the pipeline," he said, declining further details.
Trijana Kartoatmodjo, deputy chairman of BP Migas, was quoted by the Jakarta Post as saying he hoped repairs would be completed by Wednesday.
Under a 22-year supply contract which became operational in 2001, the gas is supplied to Singapore's Sembawang Corp. for its petrochemicals and power plants.
A computer glitch in August last year disrupted gas supply to Singapore from the same field, causing a partial blackout in the island republic for some 90 minutes.

Bureau Report