Colombo, Oct 20: Signalling a positive development in the stalled peace process, Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels today said they would announce their proposals for setting up of an interim administration by the end of this month. The rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said over their voice of Tigers radio that their plan will be given to Norwegian peace brokers to be given over to the Sri Lankan government by October 31.
The proposals are a result of a series of internal meetings the LTTE had with their legal and constitutional experts in Europe since August. Meanwhile, a senior LTTE guerrilla commander was reported as saying that the Tigers would join the peace talks, from which they walked out in April this year, even before the government's comments on the proposals.
"We are ready to attend the peace talks any time. We will join the talks even if the government of Sri Lanka invites us before reviewing our proposals," senior LTTE commander Karuna was quoted as saying by the Tamilnet website, which reports on Tamil affairs. Diplomats said the rebel proposal would be a crucial mile stone in attempts to politically end the island's ethnic conflict as it would be the first time tigers are putting down in writing their demands.
Bureau Report