Kathmandu, Oct 24: Expressing concern over the death of a large number of women during child birth in Nepal, Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa today joined hundreds of others at a UN day function here to remember those ill-fated mothers. "It is painful to note that 90 per cent of women in Nepal deliver babies at homes without trained birth attendances," Prime Minister Thapa said at the 58th UN day function which is being observed with the theme "Improve Maternal Health: open the door to change." In Nepal, a mother dies every two hour due to complications during child birth. Annually some 4,500 Nepalese women die while bearing a child.
Terror and trauma created by the maoists aggravated this situation, the Prime Minister said.
The gathering also observe one minute silence mourning those women who die while giving birth to a child. In Nepal only 10 per cent of all births are attended by health care workers. Only one third of Nepal's 75 districts have facilities for comprehensive obstetric care. To provide health care services to the needy people in remote and rural areas Nepal has recently launched bi-cycle ambulances for providing safety to mothers during child birth.
Bureau Report