Kathmandu, Sept 11: Observing that democracy in Nepal is under "tremendous strain," the US has called for elections to bring back the democratic process even as it asked the Maoists to abandon the path of violence and come to the negotiating table. "I hope democracy would revive in Nepal, and elections should be held to bring back democratic process," US ambassador to Nepal Michael Malinowsky told reporters at Seshnarayan village, where he attended a function in memory of the victims of the Sept 11 attacks.

"We want to see Nepal's democracy progress, her economy progress," he said adding right now "both are under tremendous strain". The US ambassador also asked the rebels to adopt the path of peace.

"We call upon people like Baburam Bhattarai, chief Maoist negotiator, to come back to the peace process, lets see his ability to be utilised for building peace and not for destruction."

Asking all law abiding people to be united to fight terrorism, he said "terror has to be eliminated from the world, be it Nepal, Afghanistan or New York." "Terrorism is activity of some arrogant people, who try to bring change through violent means as they cannot bring it through democratic process," he said.

People should decide what policy and programmes the government should have through ballot box not through arms and killing of innocent people, he added.

Bureau Report