Kolkata, Sept 16: The general secretary of the All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and CPI leader Gurudas Dasgupta today demanded the resignation of Disinvestment Minister Arun Shourie following the Supreme Court verdict restraining the government from going ahead with the disinvestment of HPCL and BPCL without approval from Parliament. "We welcome the judgement of the Suprme Court. At last judiciary has found it necessary to intervene to stop the recklessness of disinvestment of Mr Arun Shourie whose only job is to sell the national assets even at a lower price to benefit the domestic and foreign corporates," Dasgupta said here.
He told "this indictment requires immediate resignation of Arun Shourie who has disregarded all public criticisms to stick to his gun", the veteran trade union leader said.
The centre of Indian trade unions welcomed the Supreme Court verdict and at the same it said, "We will have to remain cautious so that government was not able to pass any legislations for selling the two companies."
The state general secretary of CITU Chittabrata Mazumdar said "we hail the Supreme Court decision".

Bureau Report