Seoul, Oct 11: South Korean cabinet members and top presidential aides submitted their resignations today amid a crisis over the leadership of President Roh Moo-Hyun, the government said. The turmoil at the highest levels of the government follows months of criticism of Roh, a former human rights lawyer whose blunt style and perceived inconsistency on major policy issues have alienated many South Koreans. "The Prime Minister and the cabinet feel very responsible and apologise to the people and the President, and have decided to tender their resignations," government spokesman Cho Young-Dong said in a statement. Separately, Presidential Press Secretary Lee Byung-Wan told reporters that Roh`s aides had decided to quit because they felt "unlimited responsibility for making the situation reach this point." Roh, whose approval ratings have plummeted following corruption scandals involving his aides, scheduled a news conference for later in the day.
Yesterday, Roh said he would ask South Koreans whether they still have confidence in him.
A grim-faced Roh said he wanted to get a "pardon" from the people and restore moral strength in his 8-month-old government, which is besieged by a hostile National Assembly and unfriendly news media.
Bureau Report