United Nations, Nov 06: India has asked industrialised nations to "shed the baggage inherited" from the past and allow flow of equipment and technology related to peaceful uses of nuclear energy in the interest of people of developing countries. Whenever there are no genuine concerns, barriers to deployment of nuclear technologies need to be examined and brought down through pragmatic approach, its representative B Mahtab, MP, told the General Assembly.

Participating in the debate on the report of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), he said growth of nuclear energy in the developing countries, particularly in fast growing economies with large populations, should be a matter of global interest in view of its potential to protect the Earth from irreversible climate changes.

"We must move towards a more peaceful and prosperous world on the basis of plenty of energy available within the reach of all. Mindless controls without addressing the core issue of meeting development aspiration of the needy do not help the situation: rather it makes matters worse," he told the 191-member assembly.

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