Bangkok, June 13: Thailand and India will sign an agreement next month to cut tariffs on 87 products. The listed goods would come mostly from the agricultural and industrial sectors, and tariffs would gradually be cut to zero by 2010.
“It is an important move for both countries because it will allow free-flow of trade and investment,” said Kanissorn Navanugraha, the Thai deputy permanent secretary of commerce.

Commerce Ministry officials were not immediately available to confirm the report.
Over the past two years, Thailand's main exports to India included industrial machines and parts worth $136 million and electric machines, equipment and parts worth $7.6 million. India has put these products on the list of items it wants included in the agreement.
The other goods in the free-trade list include fruit and vegetables, processed foods, plastic products, rubber products, gems, ornaments, silk, cotton, weaving cloth, movies and surgical equipment. Bureau Report