Madurai, Jan 30: Seven persons have been sentenced to death and an equal number given life imprisonment by a sessions court here for setting ablaze a bus and killing six persons in a dispute over money at Jakkammalpuram near Tuticorin in 1998. The Tuticorin district and sessions judge, Rathinaraj, slapped a fine of Rs 9.69 lakh on all the 14 sentenced in the case and also directed that Rs one lakh be paid to the families of each of the persons who died on March 4, 1998.

While fifteen other persons were acquitted, two of the accused died even as the case was being heard.

One of those sentenced to life was an AIAMDK member of the Tuticorin district panchayat.

Police said that a dispute between one Rajan and his married sister after she refused to return the money he had sent to her from sri lanka from 1973, led to clashes, in which several persons were injured.
On March 4, 1998, Rajan's family members were returning home in a bus after attending a court hearing at Vilathikulam when a gang waylaid them and asked the passengers to get out.

However, when six persons, reportedly Rajan's supporters, refused to do so, they were hacked to death and the bus was later set ablaze.
Police arrested 31 persons, including two women in the case.
Fifty one persons deposed in the court.

Bureau Report