Ayodhya, Oct 18: Not willing to get cowed down by the administration's success in foiling its planned congregation yesterday, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is holding a meeting of Ram bhakts here today. The meeting, to be held at Karsevakpuram, will be addressed by senior VHP leaders including Ashok Singhal, the outfit's media in-charge Sharad Sharma said last night. The
The VHP's call for the meeting was apparently buoyed by incessant influx of its activists including those who were released by police after being detained in different parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Faizabad Commissioner J P Sharma said Ram bhakts would not be barred from having a darshan of the idol of Ram in a peaceful manner. A large number of Ram bhakts continued to pour into the temple town from different parts of Uttar Pradesh till late last night. Bureau Report