Singapore, June 07: Explosives specialists have uncovered a cache of 843 unexploded World War II bombs at a Singapore construction site near to a former British Military Base, a bomb disposal company said today. After construction workers discovered over 200 bombs last week, bomb disposal experts began painstakingly digging up the British-made bombs yesterday and found 600 more shells at the site, said Jerry Nonis, the Assistant General Manager of Explomo Technical Services. The bombs have all been cleared from the site and will be disposed off in controlled explosions, Nonis said, without providing details. Unexploded World War II bombs, artillery rounds and other ordnance occasionally turn up at construction sites, beaches and other spots in Singapore.
Japan invaded Singapore, then a British colony, in 1942. Japan ceded it back to Britain in September 1945, and the island became an independent country in 1965.

Bureau Report