Washington, Oct 29: A senior US military intelligence chief suggested yesterday that Iraqi officials, perhaps working without the knowledge of Saddam Hussein, moved evidence of Iraq's suspected weapons of mass destruction programs outside the country before this year's war. James R Clapper, who heads the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, described his theory as an educated hunch.
It had previously been put forward by David Kay, the CIA's chief weapons hunter in Iraq, as one of several possible explanations as to why no chemical or biological weapons, and only limited evidence of weapons programs, have been found in post-war Iraq. Clapper said that before and during the war, US intelligence tracked a large number of vehicles, mostly civilian trucks, moving from Iraq into Syria. What was in them is unknown, although he suggested they may have contained materiel related to Iraq's weapons programs.
But other intelligence officials have previously said they have no conclusive evidence of Iraq moving weapons to Syria or elsewhere. Clapper also suggested some items from Iraq's weapons programs may have been destroyed or hidden in the run-up to the war. He pointed to the discovery of buried Iraqi fighter jets as evidence that members of Saddam's government sought to hide things from invading US and allied forces.
Before the war, Clapper's outfit was one of several intelligence agencies that endorsed conclusions that Iraq was working on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. His agency analyzes satellite photos. Bureau Report