Coimbatore, June 15: Considered only as a nutritional and flavoured drink, tea, with its 12 kinds of functional components, is proving to be a "physiological function-modulating drink," a Chinese study has said. Various functional components possess multiform functions including blood pressure and blood-glucose depressing, blood-lipid reducing activities, the study conducted by Tea Research Institute in China, said.

The drink has more than 500 chemical constituents closely related to human health like flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins, caffeine and polysachharides, besides containing essential micronutrients, the excerpts of study which was published in `the planters` chronicle` here said.
Tea has anti-oxidative, immunity improving, deodourizing, detoxicating, germicidal, anti-viral, diuretic, liver protecting, anti-ulceric and anticarcinogenic qualities, it said.

The study mainly reviewed the pharmacological property of tea, with emphasis on the role of tea and its constituents in varied physiopathological conditions.
Tea also prevents dental caries, and the cause was attributed to the fluorine content in it. The hydroxy group in hydroxyphosphorite of dental enamel could be replaced by fluorine in tea, thus increasing hardness and anti-acidic activity of tooth.

Bureau Report