Washington, July 21: To supplement the US forces engaged in combating violence and sabotage in post-war Iraq, America has decided to raise a 6,800-man, 8-battalion, armed militia, General John Abizaid, Central Command commander, in-charge of US and international troops in Iraq, has said. The armed militia or civil defence force would be trained by conventional US forces, Abizaid said yesterday in Baghdad.
Meanwhile America's top civil official in Iraq, L Paul Bremier said in a TV interview he believes Saddam Hussein is still in Iraq, though not orchestrating attacks on American troops.
In Najaf, thousands of followers of Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr declared they wanted the coalition forces to leave Najaf and allow Iraqis to handle security for themselves.
US officials, on the other hand, keep saying that their problem is with the Sunni minority in Baghdad and in other areas while the Shiites, who constitute 60 per cent of the population, are happy to be liberated from Saddam.
However, they are unable to explain why the Shiites are also demonstrating and demanding that US troops leave. A coalition official, on condition of anonymity, warned the Shiites that no private armies will be tolerated.
"The only Army in Iraq will be the new Iraqi Army which is being formed," the official said. "Anyone found with an unlicensed weapon will be arrested," he said.
Bureau Report