New York, Aug 22: With Serena out with an injury and Sampras retiring, who is the favourite? Americans Andre Agassi and Venus Williams look to add to their U.S. Open titles while American Andy Roddick hopes to win his US Championship. It was a hot night in New York City with some of the world's greatest tennis stars showing up at some big New York cocktail parties. At the swanky International Taste of Tennis Party on the Eastside of Manhattan, Andre Agassi and Andy Roddick showed off some of their cooking skills with some of the world's top ranked chefs. The athletes attended the event to raise money for New York's City "Meals on Wheels" programme. Agassi commented on the big news of the day with Pete Sampras retiring from the sport. "It is sad in many ways, but he has the right to leave on his own terms and I wish him the world of good." Agassi's former coach Brad Gilbert had only good things to say about Pete. "He had an unbelievable run. I am sure in hindsight he wishes he did it a year ago. He came in quietly, he leaves quietly. He played with a lot of dignity. A great player," said Gilbert. American Andy Roddick looked up to the tennis legend growing up. "Obviously, he is one of my idols and the game will never be the same without him. He accomplished a lot in this game and he should be very proud." Roddick has had a great summer, but he is concerned about his first round opponent. “The summer has passed us and it is a new tournament. I have have a very tough first round in Henman. It's the only guy I lost to this summer so its coincidence that we play in the first round, but I am excited."

Across town, Venus Williams was hanging out with designer Diane Von Furstenberg. Venus will be wearing the socialite's designer tennis wear at the Open this year.

On her abdominal injury Williams said: "I'm not really a 100 percent at this point, but I think I have a really good chance at the open no matter what the circumstances are. So, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ok."

Venus would like to continue her family's string of consecutive Open Championships. "It's been four, five years since Williams has been on the trophy at the U.S. Open and it has really been a dream come true. When I hold it up I see the S, the V, the S, the V, and it's what we dreamed about, so dreams are coming true."

With Serena not playing because of a knee injury, Venus can use her sister's support in the stands. "Yeah, she definitely wants to come. She told me she's going to be there in the stands, and I definitely need her support when I'm not playing well. I definitely look up to her and my family to get some support, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed there, too, said Venus."

The Open begins on Monday, August 25th.

Bureau Report