London: Google has dedicated its musical doodle to the piano inventor Bartolomeo Cristofori's 360th birthday.


Born on 4 May, 1655 in Italy, Cristofori's invention in 1709 superseded the harpsichord, in which the strings are plucked, so it is not possible to play the notes softer or louder, the Independent reported.

He was initially employed by Prince Ferdinando de Medici, son of the duke of Tuscany to make harpsichords and clavichords and then he managed to design a mechanism that transferred the pressure placed on the keys to the hammers that hit the strings.

The piano inventor called his invention "gravecembalo col piano e forte" i.e. a clavichord with soft and loud, but then the name of the invention shortened to pianoforte and then simply piano.

However, Cristofori died in 1731 without getting credited for his invention that later changed the musical world.