Hyderabad, Aug 25: Taking a cue from BJP's ‘Gaon gaon chalo, ghar ghar chalo' campaign, the ruling TDP in Andhra Pradesh will be launching a similar programme next month, virtually setting the tone for next year's assembly polls. Christened as 'Intintikee Telugu Desam' (TDP at your doorsteps), the programme will see its cadre reaching out to villages highlighting government's developmental programmes.

Announcing the programme at a party meeting here, the TDP supremo and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu exhorted partymen to effectively blunt the opposition charges by explaining to the people the benefits of a plethora of welfare schemes being implemented by his government.

"You should be fully geared up to visit each and every household taking a positive message to the people," Naidu said addressing an extended executive meeting of TDP at the party headquarters here.
The mass contact programme was aimed at establishing a "two-way communication with people" by activising the party committees at various levels starting from polling booth level he said.

The two-day meeting would review, among other things, the status of identification of 'one crore beneficiaries' that the ruling party aims to reach through a series of welfare packages unveiled recently covering a cross-section of society including farmers, weaker sections and artisans.

Naidu asked the cadre to rebuff the Opposition charge that his government was neglecting irrigation sector and development of backward areas.
Bureau Report