Patna, Feb 10: The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) today staged a day-long dharna here to protest the rising crime graph and the "failure" of Bihar police to check increasing cases of kidnapping for ransom in the state. Addressing party workers here, NCP general secretary Tariq Anwar blamed both the Centre and Bihar government for "the sorry state of affairs in the state where criminals are ruling the roost... kidnapping for ransom and fake police encounters are taking place almost everyday with police remaining a mute spectator."
Anwar charged the RJD dispensation with failing in its duty to provide a terror- and crime-free society and asked NCP workers to launch a movement to end Rabri-Laloo "misrule" and bringing the state back on the path of development.
The NCP leader charged the Vajpayee government with dividing the society on communal lines and alleged that the NDA government at the Centre was playing the communal card keeping in mind the approaching Lok Sabha elections.
Former Bihar Chief Minister and party general secretary Jagannath Mishra said the faulty economic policy of the Centre had brought the nation on the verge of bankruptcy. He expressed concern over the sale of profit making public sector undertakings (PSUs) at "throwaway prices". Bureau Report