New Delhi: It was the birthday of Bollywood veteran Jaya Bachchan on Saturday and the whole social media community was abuzz with congratulatory messages. In between all this hustle and bustle, her son Abhishek Bachchan also posted adorable messages online in order to make the 68-year-old star feel more special.


“Happy birthday Ma. There will never be enough words in the world for me to express how much I love you,” he said.

Abhishek added, “Words are not required between a mother and her son. When you look at her, she just knows! #HappyBirthdayMom #LoveYou.”

Not only messages, but the 'Dhoom' star also posted a lovely photo where the ultimate bond of love can clearly be noticed between the mother-son duo.

Aww! Isn’t he the sweetest son in B-Town?