Chennai, Oct 30: The Congress has issued show cause notices to two of its MLAs for 'issuing advertisements welcoming Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa during her recent visit to Thanjavur. The MLAs M Ramkumar and S V Thirugnanasambadam have been asked to reply within a week's time why action should not be initiated against them for anti party activities, TNCC sources said.
S Balakrishnan TNCC president in the show cause notices yesterday told the MLAs ''for the sake of seeking some favours from the government you have humiliated and betrayed the party which made you a member of the assembly.'' TNCC recently directed its MLAs and MPs to boycott state government functions attended by the Chief Minister following the attack on party MP Mani Shankar Aiyer at Karaikkal recently. Barely a fortnight after the TNCC's directive, both MLAs, known loyalists of AICC secretary G K Vasan, had issued an advertisement featuring a large picture of Jayalalithaa amidst smaller snaps of congress president sonia gandhi.
Bureau Report