Chennai, Feb 14: MDMK general secretary Vaiko, who served 19 months of detention for supporting the LTTE, today declared that he would continue to support the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils and the banned outfit's fight for them in ''their soil''. An unperturbed Vaiko, who was released from prison only a week ago after his arrest under the Pota for addressing a public meeting in support of the tigers in June, 2002, said the LTTE had been accepted world-over as the sole representative of the Tamils. ''I will not fight shy in stating this.'' Listing out, he said UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, the Sri Lankan regime, the Norwegian government, the United States and the United Kingdom have accepted the fact that the LTTE was the only representative of the Tamils. ''I will support the cause of Eelam Tamils who have been subjected to genocidal attacks by the Sri Lankan regime for the past 50 years... They want to live in peace, dignity and harmony and their sole representative is the LTTE,'' he said. Even Prime Minister A B Vajpayee had favoured peace talks between the two parties (LTTE and Sri Lanka, thus recognising LTTE as the representative of the Tamils), he said, adding that ''If the Prime Minister had the right to say this, as an ordinary citizen I too have the right.'' Bureau Report