Islamabad, Feb 04: The permanent Indus commission would have a two-day meeting here from tomorrow to discuss Pakistan's objections to the 450 mw Baglihar electric project on the Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir by India. The seven-member Indian delegation is led by Indus Water Treaty commissioner A C Gupta. It also comprises members of the water resources ministry as well as the Central Water Commission (CWC) while Pakistan's team will be led by Syed Jamat Ali Shah. Abdul Gani Malik, presently incharge of the ongoing hydropower project is also part of the delegation.

Indian High Commission officials here confirmed that the Indian delegation was scheduled to arrive in here later in the day to attend the special meeting of the commission being called by Pakistan to discuss its objections about the Baglihar project, being constructed on the river Chenab. Islamabad alleges the project was being constructed in violation of the Indus water treaty signed in 1960 as it has exclusive rights over Chenab's water. The meeting should have taken place on January 30 but was postponed after the Indian delegation failed to get air tickets.

The meeting came as a "pleasant surprise for officials" here as India has already rejected Pakistan's complaints during the annual meeting held last may in New Delhi. An official press release issued by the Indian water resources ministry in New Delhi at the end of last meeting of the commission had accused Pakistan of giving a "twisted interpretation of the treaty" in order to make it a dispute.

Bureau Report