Washington, Feb 19: Two Pentagon offices that critics say twisted intelligence to bolster the case for war with Iraq are facing fresh scrutiny, but the defense department defended the groups as completely benign. At issue are the activities of the office of special plans and the counter terrorism evaluation group, which operated under the auspices of Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of Defense for policy and a leading Pentagon hawk.
The Senate Intelligence Committee this month said it would investigate the actions of these offices as part of its broader examination of prewar US intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Critics of the Bush administration argue that these two offices, driven by ideology and a predisposition for war, operated outside normal intelligence channels to manipulate and politicize data to portray Saddam Hussein's government in the most threatening light.
''What is deeply troubling is that this was an administration that was hell-bent on using force,'' said Rep. Ellen Tauscher, a California Democrat who says these Pentagon operations ''cherry picked'' intelligence to amplify bad news and nullify caveats.
Tauscher has introduced a bill to create a special House of Representatives panel to examine Iraq intelligence, including whether the office of special plans competed with or undercut established intelligence agencies.
Feith and other Pentagon officials defended the two offices and dismissed what they said were ''urban legends'' about shadowy intelligence cells.
''It is appalling the conspiracy theories that have sprung up around the office of special plans,'' said a defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
''This was prudent policy planning based on intelligence that's produced and shared throughout the federal government. These critics have twisted this into something it isn't.''
Pentagon officials said the counter terrorism evaluation group was created in October 2001, weeks after the September 11 attacks on America, to study relationships among terrorist organizations and state sponsors. Bureau Report