New Delhi: After Aamir Khan's statement on the 'intolerance row' going viral on the social media and elsewhere, the actor has been surrounded by a lot of criticism and also by some members of the film fraternity. However, AR Rahman had backed the 'PK' star saying he had faced a similar issue. The statement by Khan has reopened the intolerance issue once again – inviting many differing voices on the same.


ALSO READ: Intolerance row: Police complaint against Aamir Khan; protests soar outside residence

According to a report by Hindustan Times, Aamir  has asked his wife Kiran Rao to leave Mumbai for a few days along with his children.

ALSO READ: Intolerance issue: AR Rahman expresses solidarity with Aamir Khan, says he too faced similar situation

A source confirmed the news to HT and also revealed that the actor doesn't wish to furnish any clarification on what he has said.

Although this statement called for a lot of criticism, those from the Congress and Aam Aadmi Party have supported the actor.

ALSO READ: Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao wanted to move out of India: What are their options