A few weeks ago, former TV host and current Rajya Sabha MP Rajiv Shukla helped Shah Rukh Khan organise a special screening of Asoka for the Dalai Lama. What Shukla can do, Rajat Sharma wants to do as well. And so on Monday evening, the host of Star Plus' late night news show, hosted a preview of director Mahesh Manjrekar's new film, Ehsaas. The chief guest was Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs Uma Bharti. The connection: Ehsaas is about a father training his son for a school athletics championship. Other VIP viewers included Ram Vilas Paswan, M.S. Bitta, Kirti Azad and L.K. Advani's son, Jayant. Said Ehsaas' leading man, Sunil Shetty, "Umaji loved the film. She said it promotes sports, and she liked the father-son relationship. She also said she'd put in a good word for us, to help get entertainment tax exemption."