Poised to become a full-fledged member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on December 11, China will probe the cases of discriminatory trade practices and anti-dumping duties imposed on its products by foreign governments, including India, a senior official has said. “We would probe into anti-dumping accusations made against China,” Director-general of the newly-established Bureau of Fair Trade (BOFT) for imports and exports, Wang Shichun, told reporters in Beijing.
China has topped the list of the number of anti-dumping cases initiated by India during the fiscal 2000-01, with 16 cases out of a total of 29 taken up during the period. Most cases against china pertained to industrial chemicals such as zinc oxide and phosphoric acid. They also included items reserved for the small scale sector such as dry cell batteries and sports shoes and at least three cases of dumping of popular drugs including analgin and paracetamol.
In the past, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), which is supposed to control the functioning of BOFT, has denied India's charge that Chinese companies are dumping cheap goods into that country.
Bureau Report