Washington, Sept 23: US President George W Bush will travel to New York September 23-24 to take part in the UN General Assembly and address the world body on the opening day of debate, the White House said. The announcement came as Washington pushed ahead with a diplomatic effort to win UN passage of a new resolution on Iraq that aims to widen international participation in stabilizing and rebuilding that war-ravaged country.
"President Bush looks forward to visiting the United Nations, where he will address the General Assembly on the opening day of the general debate," spokesman Scott Mcclellan said in a statement.
"The President will also meet with Secretary General Kofi Annan and St. Lucian Foreign Minister Julian Hunte, who assumes the presidency of the General Assembly this month, to discuss a range of issues," he said.

"The President will also hold meetings with a number of world leaders while in New York City," said Mcclellan, who did not specify who they would be.

Bureau Report