United Nations, Nov 05: Even though 60 per cent of the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza fall below the poverty line, aid programmes have had to be cut back due to the low response to appeals for donations, the Chief of the United Nations relief agency for Palestinian refugees has said. The Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the near East (UNRWA), Peter Hansen, said at a briefing yesterday that despite a 25 per cent malnutrition rate in Gaza and in the West Bank, the agency had to cut back on food distribution.

With 12,700 people made homeless by Israeli demolitions of housing in Respent Intifada, UNRWA had only been able to replace 228 homes, he said. For health care, UNRWA had provided only USD 750,000 in aid out of a projected 2.7 million dollars. Meanwhile, the separation barrier that Israel is building has cut farmers off from their harvests and isolated some towns, Hansen said.

The total effect could be a further downward spiral in West Bank conditions. Bureau Report