Jammu, Dec 02: Entering its seventh day today, the Indo-Pak Border ceasefire, which came into effect last Tuesday, continues to hold with no violation reported from the Pakistan side, a defence spokesman said. There has been no firing and shelling from across the border in any sector along the Indo-Pak borderline in Jammu and Kashmir, northern command spokesman, Lt Col R K Sen told newspersons here today.

There was total silence after the ceasfire along 198 kms of the International Border (IB), 778-kms stretch Line of Control (LoC) and 150-kms Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL) since the declaration of ceasefire by Pakistan and India's reciprocation, Lt. Col Sen said.

However, the army continues to maintain vigil along the borders and will keep up its guard in order to foil infiltration attempts by militants from across the border, the spokesman said.
"We are hopeful that the Pakistani Army would continue to observe the ceasefire in order to ensure peace on both sides of the border, he said, but maintained that there will be retaliation if Pakistan fires on our posts or resorts to infiltration of militants from across border.

He also said that the anti-terrorist operations would continue and there will be no halt to them.

The director generals of military operations of both sides continue to be in touch, Lt.Col Sen said, adding Army Chief, Gen N C Vij had already reviewed border situation during his two-day visit to forward areas in Baramulla-Kupwara and Rajouri-Poonch sectors in J&K on Friday and Saturday.

Bureau Report