Islamabad, Dec 04: A senior US security official began talks here today, Washington's first high-level contact with the new civilian government in Pakistan, a key ally in its war against terror. Stephen Hadley, deputy national security adviser, met Riaz Hussain Khokhar, a top foreign ministry official, and was due to hold talks later in the day with Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali and Pakistan's military President, Pervez Musharraf. He is due to leave Pakistan early tomorrow, a US. Embassy spokesman said.

''He is discussing a whole range of bilateral issues,'' Terry White said.

Hadley's visit is the first by a senior US official to Pakistan since Jamali's civilian government took office last month after the October 10 general election. Huge gains by hardline Islamic groups caused concern in the west about how they might affect the US-led hunt for al Qaeda and Taliban remnants in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but newly appointed ministers have vowed to continue to back the campaign.

Jamali's pro-military party has a narrow majority in Parliament and Musharraf, a key Washington ally in the anti-terror war, still has sweeping powers despite the return to civilian rule after three years of military government.

Bureau Report