New Delhi: The quirk box of talent in Bollywood, actor Ranveer Singh is a pump of energy who has an infectious laughter. The 'Bajirao' is back in town and quite with a bang. Ranveer was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport, as he came back from wrapping up Aditya Chopra's 'Befikre' in Paris.



The film has created quite a buzz—all thanks to the 'full of kisses' posters. Vaani Kapoor and Ranveer Singh have kissed as many as 23 times reportedly in the film. Woho! Quite an eye candy it will be for the fans, we are sure.

While the actor was at the airport, he was quizzed by the media over many kisses in the film. A fan club of the actor quoted him as saying, “Yea there are many kissing scenes. I kissed a lot”.

Also, he praised the YRF honcho saying, “Befikre shoot was good, mind blowing . Adi sir is just amazing”.

Now, we are getting 'Befikre' for this one to hit the screens soon!