Hyderabad, Aug 06: Vishwa Hindu Parishad today reiterated that the Ayodhya issue could be resolved only by a legislation to construct a temple at the disputed site and said that it would intensify the stir to achieve its goal. "The only way out is to enact a legislation," VHP President Ashok Singhal told reporters here today and asserted that their claim over Mathura and Kasi would also be kept alive.
"Whatever be the court verdict, only parliament can enact a legislation to build a temple at the disputed site and initiative should be taken by the highest law making body as it has done in the Shah Bano case," he said.
Mahants would chalk out an agitational programme to achieve the goal of building Ram temple at Ayodhya, Singhal said. Singhal was here on his way to Rajahmundry, where he would have a dip in Godavari during the ongoing 'Pushkarams'.
Admitting that Ramjanmabhoomi has become an election issue, Singhal said that political parties should spell out their stand on the issue now instead of raking it up before elections.
Rejecting the efforts of Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi in working out a solution to the dispute, Singhal said that "Any negotiation without the involvement of VHP cannot be accepted."
Bureau Report