Afghan opposition forces on Monday halted their advance 10 to 15 km outside the capital Kabul and were awaiting orders from their commanders, a spokesman said.

“We will continue our victorious advance to the gates of Kabul. But for the time being we do not intend to enter the city,” said opposition spokesman Waisudin Salik. He said the opposition had captured the districts of Qara Bagh, Nejrab and Tagab districts during Monday’s advance from the front lines 50 km north of the city.


The furthest point of advance was along the old road leading north from Kabul. The anti-Taliban forces had gained only four kilometres on the parallel new road linking Kabul to the town of Bagram.

Meanwhile US war planes, which stopped bombing the Taliban's front lines shortly before the opposition offensive began around midday, redirected their efforts to Taliban targets in the capital itself.

Bureau Report