Ahmedabad, Dec 18: The Chief Minister designate of Gujarat, Narendra Modi today met Governor Sunder Singh Bhandari and staked claim of his party to form the government after getting two thirds majority in the just concluded assembly elections. Modi was accompanied by former chief ministers Keshubai Patel and Suresh Mehta, state BJP president Rajendersinh Rana, party spokesperson Nalin Bhatt, senior BJP leader Suresh Gandhi and Ashok Bhatt among others.
According to Raj Bhavan sources, Modi handed over a formal letter to the governor claiming his party's stake to form the government.
Later, during a meeting with the Governor that lasted for about 30 minutes, Modi also sought his blessings and that of Keshubhai Patel.
Modi was elected leader of the BJP legislature party on Monday. His swearing-in ceremony would take place on December 22 at Ahmedabad instead of Gandhinagar. Bureau Report