Guwahati, Oct 28: The opposition Asom Gana Parishad tonight resolved to bury differences among leaders to work unitedly to strengthen the party. A crucial meeting of the AGP executive committee also adopted a resolution to stop interference of any non-political organisation in the affairs of the party, its president Brindaban Goswami said.
Earlier, former chief minister P K Mahanta appealed to the party leadership to make its stand clear on the All Assam Students Union (AASU) in the wake of its criticism of him and Goswami.
Mahanta said some vested interests in the AASU were interefering with the workings of the AGP which the party should take up seriously, party sources said.
The marathon 10-hour-long meeting, held at the party headquarters at Ambari here, witnessed heated debates from the factions led by Mahanta and Goswami.
The meeting also resolved to prepare a whitepaper to highlight the performance of the previous AGP regime and entrusted senior leaders, including Mahanta and Goswami, with the job.
Bureau Report