New Delhi, Aug 06: 'The Romance of the Indian Open' -- the first ever book written on the oldest international golf tournament in the country -- was released at the Delhi Golf Club here last evening. The book, which outlines the history of the tournament that dates back to 1964, has been written by veteran sports journalist Kr Wadhwaney.

The book was released by veteran golfer Rohtas Singh, who holds the distinction of winning over 100 professional tournament titles over a span of 35 years, on the Hero Honda Indian golf tour.

The book has been published by Delhi based Siddharth Publications. 'The Romance of the Indian Open' provides a detailed description of the genesis of the tournament, reports of the 40 Indian Opens held thus far and his observations on certain aspects of the game.
The book also gives an insight into the achievements of some of India's golfing greats including the legendary Billoo Sethi, the first and only golfer to win the tournament while still an amateur, two-time Indian Open winner Ali Sher, and modern day stars like Jyoti Randhawa and Vijay Kumar.

Eminent personalities in Indian golf like Surendra Lall, Sita Rawley, Dr. Bharatram, Siddharth Shriram, Brandon De Souza and S S Bedi also find a mention in the book.

In addition to this, there is a chapter on various golf courses in India, which offers an insight into the progress the country has made in the sport. Bureau Report