London, Mar 25: In a cliched – but possibly timely - reach for a Top Ten league table of clichés, the English-speaking world has just received its first-ever list of the most "irritating" phrases in daily speak. And those, ladies and gentleman, are some of the most irritating cliches to infest the English language. Or so says, the Plain English Campaign, which polled India and at least 70 other countries for that ultimate millennial cliche - an online unpopularity survey of English as "she is spoke" and all the pointless piffle that goes with 24-7, value-added English language communication. The Campaign's John Lister said the world's first cliche-busting survey revealed an important point – "cliches are very similar the world over, be it India or somewhere else". Lister's possibly rather cliched extrapolation on the linguistic state of the global village comes as his campaign insisted India and the world appeared increasingly irritated by a bunch of corporate cliches. These include: to be honest; 24/7; let's touch base; value-added; ballpark figure; awesome; move the goalposts, blue-skies (thinking). Mixing metaphors like mad, Lister said the phrases were "literary sludge" and threw up a barrier between listener and speaker.