New Delhi, June 16: India and Laos today agreed to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism and its support mechanisms as the two sides signed an accord on enhanced cooperation in science and technology. During wide-ranging talks between visiting Laos Premier Bounnhang Vorachit and Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the two leaders underlined the importance and the need to enhance cooperation in the field of trade and investment.
Recognising that international terrorism posed a grave threat to peace-loving societies everywhere, the two countries stressed the importance of cooperation in the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions against terrorism. Vorachit welcomed the recent initiative of Vajpayee aimed at fostering friendship and good-neighbourly relations between India and Pakistan.
He said Laos supported resolution of Indo-Pak issues through bilateral dialogue based on the 1972 Simla Agreement and the 1999 Lahore Declaration.
During the parleys, India conveyed its readiness to continue extending its cooperation in human resource development in priority areas identified by Laos. New Delhi agreed to make available, as in previous years, training slots for 70 officials annually.
Additionally, two scholarships will be provided every year for graduate and post-graduate degrees for Laos monks. Vorachit and Vajpayee reiterated their commitment to increase bilateral cooperation in the fields of information technology, culture and tourism.
With Laos taking over as country coordinator for India in Asean from July this year, the two countries agreed to take concrete initiatives to strengthen the linkages between India and the regional grouping.
On the evolving situation in Iraq, they stressed the importance of a representative government of the Iraqi people being put in place as early as possible.
Vorachit's visit follows Vajpayee's trip to Laos in November last year during which the two countries signed four agreements for cooperation in the power sector, defence, drug control and visa free travel for diplomatic and official passport holders. Bureau Report