Lucknow, Aug 02: Protesting against the lathi-charge of students and staff of St. Mary's School by the police here on July 28, the Samajwadi Party took out a march against the incident even as they threatened a hold a dharna on August 7. The party, which organised a protest march yesterday and submitted a memorandum demanding "stern" action against the culprits, today said a dharna would be staged on August 7.
"A dharna and meeting would be held by the district unit committees in para locality where the police had lathi-charged innocent school children and staff protesting against dismal civic amenities," local unit president Faquir Siddiqui said here. "The Samajwadi Party had made several complaints in the past about the poor condition of roads and sewage problem to the officials concerned, but to no avail," Siddiqui claimed.
About 40 people including children had received injuries in the lathi-charge and police had arrested 25 persons, including students for inciting trouble. Bureau Report