Mumbai, July 25: Maharashtra today announced a slew of measures for amelioration of the suffering of the down-trodden, including the setting up of a state-level commission for scheduled castes and tribes akin to the national body and setting up an authority for workers. Chief minister Sushilkumar Shinde announced the measures in the state assembly after the question hour. Similar announcement was made by deputy chief minister Chhagan Bhujbal in the legislative council.

In memory of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, a pioneer of the egalitarian movement, the government would set up a commision for SC/STs, Shinde said.

The commission will ensure protection of rights of backward class and tribals and work for their betterment, he said informing the assembly about the decisions taken by the DF government.
The commission, having powers of civil courts, will ensure implementation of government orders and constitutional provisions for SC/ST, he said.

It will also probe atrocities against backward class and tribals and ensure reservation in jobs for these sections of the society.
It will also monitor developmental schemes for Sc/Sts and suggest means to protect their rights by way of amending the existing provisions of the law, the chief minister said.

Bureau Report