Washington, Mar 13: Nearly 1,000 US war veterans have signed a letter sent to President George W Bush, questioning the wisdom of another war in Iraq and requesting a meeting to express their concerns. "We feel duty-bound to share with you our serious concerns regarding issues of national security, the appropriate use of our military strength, and the health and welfare of our active-duty soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines," said the letter sent yesterday from the newly formed group veterans for common sense. "We understand the risks that come with war and that there are times when such risks are necessary. However, we strongly question the need for a war at this time," it said.
"We are not convinced that coercive containment has failed, or that war has become necessary."

Some 986 veterans signed the letter, including people who had served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf war.
The letter warned of the potential for enormous casualties and a massive humanitarian crisis after the conflict, citing UN reports that warned 10 million Iraqis would need immediate relief aid and two million would be left homeless.

Bureau Report