US envoy Anthony Zinni accused Palestinian militants Friday of trying to foil his mission to end 14 months of Israeli-Palestinian violence.
But Zinni, a retired Marine Corps General, said a suicide bombing on a bus in northern Israel Thursday in which a Palestinian bomber killed three Israelis would not deter him in his effort to achieve a lasting truce. "The groups that do this are clearly trying to make my mission fail and this mission -- to try to end this violence and get back to the path of peace -- not to succeed," Zinni told reporters after meeting Israeli President Moshe Katsav. "I am determined not to let that happen...I am not committed to work for words. I am committed to work for actions on the ground. I will need the help of all sides and I will do whatever I can to make sure that happens," Zinni said. At least 729 Palestinians and 196 Israelis have been killed since a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation erupted in September after a deadlock in peace negotiations.
Bureau Report