Caracas (Venezuela), Nov 08: has denounced a plot to topple his government afVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez ter security forces seized weapons, ammunition, explosives and camouflage uniforms in several raids. Government agents seized caches of firearms, ammunition, c-4 plastic explosive, uniforms and cash in three cities, Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel announced yesterday.

Chavez said two people were in custody. He gave no details, but he cited the raids in repeating allegations that Venezuela's opposition, which is demanding a recall vote next year, is preparing another attempt to overthrow his elected government.

Radicals are trying "to create problems inside the military," Chavez told soldiers at a Central Venezuela military air base. He urged the armed forces "to respond with dignity, unity, conscience and leadership."

Chavez was briefly overthrown by dissident military officers in 2002. A former army paratrooper, he led a failed coup attempt in 1992, was imprisoned two years, then was elected president in 1998.
Bureau Report