Ankara, July 22: Turkey's parliament opened today to vote on early elections, but failed to reach the necessary quorum and quickly closed. Members of the governing coalition and several opposition parties boycotted the meeting, saying that parliament was not yet ready to approve the measure. Most of those parties back early elections, but want a later vote.

"We have not reached the quorum," parliament speaker Omer Izgi said.


At least 184 legislators have to be present for parliament to meet. Izgi did not say how many had showed up. Two opposition parties had called legislators back from parliament's summer recess for the emergency session to fix the date for early elections and approve reforms aimed at boosting Turkey's chances for membership in the European Union.

The parties that boycotted the session said that deputies had not prepared the proper legislation and an early meeting of parliament would not be useful.

Izgi said parliament was scheduled to reconvene on September one. The nationalist party, a member of the ruling coalition, has petitioned parliament to meet in September to vote for November elections.
Bureau Report