New Delhi, Nov 20: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee led the Rajya Sabha in felicitating Bhairon Singh Shekhawat on becoming chairman of the house and recalled his services and contributions to the nation-building. Lauding Shekhawat for undertaking measures for betterment of the poor and needy, the Prime Minister said his initiation of the food for work programme shall always be remembered.
Recalling his association with Shekhawat for over 50 years, Vajpayee lauded the courage with which he as leader of the Jan Sangh took a lead role in eradication of the Jagirdari (ownership of land) system.
Vajpayee said despite belonging to Rajasthan where aristocracy moorings were strong, Shekhawat played a major role in reducing incomes of rajas and maharajas to a meagre level.
The Prime Minister said when many fled the scene while undertaking this revolutionary step, Shekhawat stood the ground.
"You emerged from the mud and become the sandalwood of the forehead", Vajpayee said. Bureau Report